Expression of gratitude

Loten Dahortsang

Loten Dahortsang was born in 1968 in Lhasa, Tibet. In 1979 he went to Nepal and entered the Kopan Monastery of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Since 1982 he has lived in the Monastic Institute in Rikon. He was trained by his uncle, Gesche Jampa Lodro, Tulku Lama Lodro Rinpoche, the former abbots of the monastery, Gesche Ugyen Tseten and Gesche Gedün Sangpo. Since 2002 he has been continuing his education in Buddhist epistemology at the monastic university of Sera in South India and since 2006 in a multi-year in-depth meditation and studies on Kalachakra Tantra at Jonang Monastery in northern India.

He leads meditation sessions at Rikon Monastery and Buddhist centers in Europe. The book "Lu Jong – The oldest Tibetan movement theory of the monks in the mountains" by Tulku Lama Lobsang, O.W. Barth Verlag was conceived and translated by him. I completed my training as a Lu Jong teacher with Loten Dahortsang. You can find out more about Loten Dahortsang here.

Tulku Lama Lobsang

Tulku Lobsang

Tulku Rinpoche is a highly respected Buddhist master and respected doctor of Tibetan medicine. To help as many people as possible, Tulku-la has been traveling the world since 2000 to spread the valuable knowledge and wisdom of his venerable lineage, including Lu Jong.Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was born in Amdo, Tibet, in 1976 and began his official monastic education when he entered the Sowa Monastery at the age of six. Five years later, Tulku-la moved to Nangzi Bön Monastery, the largest Bon monastery in Tibet. At that time, the monks of Sowa Monastery were looking for the reincarnation of their lama. At the age of 13, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche was recognized as the 8th incarnation of the Nyentse Lama.

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche opened the Lu Jong practice to everyone. As the reincarnation of a high Buddhist dignitary - the Nyentse Lama - Rinpoche learned Lu Jong from an early age from different masters from different traditions and all lineages. In the West, Tulku-la met many people who were mentally unbalanced. Rinpoche collected and modified the ancient Lu Jong movements to make them more accessible to the Western body and mind.

Song Arun

He holds the Brevet des professeurs des arts martiaux chinois internes recognised by the French Ministry of Youth and Sports and the 4th Dan in Wushu - Chinese martial arts. He has been teaching Asian martial and energy arts such as Tai Ji Quan, Qi Gong, Tui Shou (hand thrusting), San Shou (free fighting) and the mastery of combinations with "weapons" (sword, sabre, stick) throughout Europe and the USA since 1987. His regular practice and vast experience in these Chinese energy arts make him an expert.

Song Arun is also the founder of the association "Arts Harmonie" in Colmar, which he has directed since 1991. This association plays an essential role in spreading techniques for harmonising being, but also in developing a sense of solidarity. Song Arun has understood how to reconcile well-being and the development of human values such as gratitude, appreciation and respect in order to establish a philosophy of well-being. This association gave birth to the project "Libraries at the Corners of the World", which has enabled realisations in Thailand, Haiti, Ladakh and Burkina-Faso.

He devotes much of his time to introducing beginners and training student teachers. His teaching is focused on a practice of well-being and harmonisation that takes into account the practitioner as a whole, on all levels: energetic, emotional, mental and physical. He has trained numerous students who are currently teaching in different regions of France and particularly in Alsace.